Wrist pain, numb finger tips? - pain in thumb and pointer finger
I thought I had carpal tunnel syndrome, because when I wrote that would achieve a sharp pain, and only my wrist, and if the computer when my right hand, using the mouse on the desk, while my wrist so hard to no pressure have exerted on him.
I do not understand the burning and stabbing pain in the wrist, but I have it now;
The tip of the thumb, index and middle fingers on my right hand are numb, my fingers insensitive.
When I write, I feel much tension on the wrist, I'm afraid that may have pinched a nerve when my fingers are numb, and why it no longer receives the pain in my wrist. I also feel the tension rise and fall of my hand in my little finger is a kind of on the side of my hand I hold my finger push my fingers.
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